Jupiter is the planet of EXPANSION and SUPPORT! It is "on the move" in April and where it "hits" your Natal Astrology chart is where there is support for you this year! (*Scroll to bottom of page)
Jupiter is also the planet of the 2nd Chakra - the chakra that I think is most misunderstood. The 2nd Chakra lies right below the navel center. It is where we hold feelings of "not being good enough", "unworthiness" and "self doubt". It is also where we hold our conditioned patterns, addictions and trauma. The cool thing about the 2nd Chakra however is that as we heal this Energy Center we start to experience more joy. We no longer "fight" our patterns, we make peace with ourselves, and allow ourselves to play. If we want to eat the cake we just eat the friggin'
cake! We don't eat the cake and worry about eating the cake or stress about how we are going to "work off" the calories of the cake, or shame ourselves for enjoying sugar - we just friggin ENJOY!
And when challenging things are happening in our life that aren't so joyful we don't abandon ourselves - we allow ourselves to feel it all and move through the experience with compassion.
So how do we heal the 2nd Chakra? There are many ways, but one way is through spiritual practice....
For many years my spiritual journey was about "doing all the things" and practicing the "right way" in hopes that I would be happy and have more joy. I was doing my spiritual practice from a place of deprivation, force and trying to be a "good girl" - rather than from a place of joy. I thought that if I did my spiritual practice "right" that would mean I was being "good" and things in my life would be "good". This was a long-standing conditioned pattern and a 2nd Chakra wound I needed to heal.
Over the years I have learned to let go fo the "shoulds" around my spiritual practice and have allowed myself to do the practices that I LOVE and the practices that WORK FOR ME. I have allowed myself space and to let go of "controlling" the outcome. Practicing from a place of curiosity and self devotion, rather from a place of EXPECTATION and ATTACHEMENT.
It's sounds pretty basic and easy I know - but it's not. We live in a culture that is hyper-focused on achieving, accomplishing and getting measurable RESULTS - and this can infultrate our spirtual life as well. Are we failing if we aren't achieving some state of BLISS during our meditation? Are we failing if things in our life aren't improving at the RATE that we expect? I say WE ARE NOT..... What if we engaged in our spiritual practice simply because we wanted to connect with and show up for ourselves? It may not seem like enough but it is - showing up for a spiritual practice (like meditation) daily increases self-worth and that my freinds heals your 2nd Chrakra and leads to more joy! ** And when those blissful meditations happen and the magical "results" show up in your life -because I promise you they will- well, that's just "ICING ON THE CAKE" !
So back to JUPITER:
Wherever Jupiter is transiting in your chart is where you will feel support and expansion. Jupiter will be moving from Aquarius to Pisces in April! And it will be there for one year!
Where it will impact you is based on your RISING SIGN according to the Siderial or Vedic Astrology system.
(if you don't know your rising sign message me with your birth data: time, date and place and I will send you your rising sign):
Aries: Jupiter is moving into your 12th house. Old relationships may come back into your life - as a way to heal so you can move forward with less baggage and more ease. Pay attention to your dreams as they are pathways to your intuition.
Taurus: Jupiter is moving into your 11th house. Community and new alliances come into your life - allow yourself to open to that support. Income from your career is likely to sky rocket as well.
Gemini: Jupiter is moving into your 10th house. A supportive energy for career growth - start trusting and expanding this area of your life - it's time!
Cancer: Jupiter is moving into your 9th house. Your beliefs may be changing this year - it's a great time to deepen your spiritual practice or study something new. It is also a great time to travel - if you have ever wanted to travel out of the country now is the time.
Leo: Jupiter is moving into your 8th house. This year is about transformation and accessing knowledge "beyond the veil". Money may come your way from unexpected places. But make sure not to over-indulge.
Virgo: Jupiter is moving into your 7th house. This is a great time for marriage and long-term relationships. Also a great time to meet "your person" if you are single. It is also a wonderful time to create new business partnerships. Open yourself up to relationships and "go for it".
Libra: Jupiter is moving into your 6th house. A supportive energy in the area of your health and a great time to create new health routines. If you are in the healing arts your healing abilities may expand. It is also a wonderful time to get a pet if you so desire.
Scorpio: Jupiter is moving into your 5th house. If you are in a place of wanting to have children or birth a new business this could be the year. You may also have a lot of creative ideas come to you so open up to allowing your creativity to flow.
Sagitarius: Jupiter is moving into your 4th house. Your home is a great place for you to focus on this year; you may be called to buy a new home or fix up the home you have. Create space to make your home feel good to you.
Capricorn: Jupiter is moving into your 3rd house. A great time for short-distance travel and communication. If you have been wanting to start a podcast or express yourself more on social media this year is the time to move through fears and allow your voice to be heard.
Aquarius: Jupiter is moving into your 2nd house. Money may come to you this year. It's also a great time to use your voice (speak up, sing, chant) and trust your intuition.
Picses: Jupiter is moving into your 1st house. This year is all about you - coming into your own and allowing yourself to be seen. It's all about expansion this year!
*Remember that these "predictions" are just for fun and a "glimpse" of the year to come. To understand what this next year has in store for you (meaning what areas of your life are "lit up") book a full reading so we can look at all of the aspects of your chart!
Already had a reading with me? Book a transit reading to look at the year ahead.
*Ready to start MEDITATING Consistently but need support? Join my first MEDITATION CIRCLE. It is going to be magical. Only 6 spots available. We begin in April.